By order of the Kings of the Realms, the wise Master Visur at Castle Sauvage, the bold Stor Gothi Annark at Svasud Faste, and the Fair Glasny at Druim Ligen are to channel their arcane power to open the portal to the ancient Battleground at Caledonia.
Storm the slopes and ramparts of Caer Caledon to capture and hold the mighty fortress. Slay the Lords of the keep for vast treasures which they have collected from across many exotic lands for it is told that there is a hoard of powerful merchant stones, weapons and armor of Celestius, sleeves imbued with a dark and infernal power and more.
The Channelers' ability to maintain access to the portal is limited, at sunset on the 5th day of their ceremonies, the portal will close. Fight bravely for your realms, reap the rewards and the glory! Conquer Caledonia!